
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Uranus Enters the Aries Point - A Summer of Trials and Trouble

Uranus enters the 0 degree point of Aries on May 28, 2010 for the first two and a half months of a seven year stay in that sign that will change our lives and change the world. May 28, 2010 marks the entrance of Uranus into Aries and a continuation of transits that will bring about upheaval, change and transformation, and the beginning of a new world. This is the time period astrologers have been looking at for decades, and these transits will lead us into 2012, the time the Mayan calendar ends. Uranus entering Aries creates a major shift in planetary energies as the planet of thunder, lightening, electricity, freedom and sudden, unexpected events moves to the 0 point of Aries, a cardinal sign, at a critical degree that relates to the world at large. When a planet is in a cardinal sign like Aries, it means the energy works quickly, events happen fast, often in a very public way. The 0 degree of Aries is referred to as a critical degree. The critical degrees of Aries are 0, 13 and 26. The ancients placed a great deal of importance upon the critical degrees. Uranus will conjunct the Aries point –May 28, 2010-August 4, 2010-March 12, 2011-March 29, 2011, and –November 10, 2011-January 8, 2012. . Uranus will retrograde back into Pisces from mid-September until March of 2011, at which time it will remain in Aries until March 4, 2019.

Increase and Abundance

On June 6 Jupiter, the planet of abundance and increase joins Uranus in Aries at 0 degrees. It will remain at 0-1 degrees until June 24. It will be within orb of Uranus, therefore creating an effect until August 13, 2010. The definition of Jupiter and Uranus together is usually money and unexpected wealth, hope and fortune. We may get a little planetary help after a long, difficult period. This is a chance for a much welcome increase in finances and opportunities for some people. Astrologer/Author Mitch Lewis writes,” As Jupiter and Uranus begin their journey into Aries and conjunct on June 8th we will begin to see some new innovative thinking and research that will lead to more technological advancements.

There will be some very positive results of this configuration, and it may help us push past the roadblock we have reached in our cultural development. The suddenness of Uranus coupled with the expansive nature of Jupiter could lead to great leaps of understanding, especially if placed just right in the chart of a scientist, artist, politician or philosopher. Uranus rules all technological advances. The last time this planet entered Aries was in 1926. That was the year movies began to talk, and Farnsworth patented his new invention he called Television. Now we are seeing a new wave of technological devices, including 3D TV (which, I believe will be a gigantic failure). But the underlying theme here is that this is a time for new inventions, innovations and freedom in thought.

We have seen some tremendous innovations over the past few decades, and it may seem as though we are at the end of an era of technological advancement. In fact, we are at the beginning of the greatest technological revolution since the invention of the internal combustion engine in the 19th century.” There will be money-making opportunities for some, and the world will see some gain in terms of the world economy, but this transit is not going to completely turn around all of the economic failures of the past few years. But, it could begin the New Age of Enlightenment, in more ways than one.

The Downside

Jupiter and Uranus can create exuberance and excitement. Jupiter rules religion, spirituality, wealth, the law and education. There will be people and factions who will make their viewpoints known, and with the exuberance of Jupiter we are at risk of falling under the influence of those who may be somewhat self-righteous or too many people can get caught up in fanatical viewpoints pushed by the ‘talking heads,’ and others on TV. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. We saw this over the past 45 days with the unexpected flooding in Nashville, TN and the Gulf Oil spill, now the largest of its type in history. Jupiter has been in Pisces conjunct Uranus in Pisces within 1-4 degrees throughout May. Pisces rules oil and water, and we have seen many issues relating to water this spring, but particularly the oil spill which has worldwide ramifications.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Mars relates to our action, military action, force, violence, weapons, and fire. So, it is highly possible this combination may produce sudden, unexpected incidents involving explosive situations.

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